Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Elio e le Storie Tese  Proto Tapparella  live at Ciak (MI) 1994  
 2. ElioeleStorieTese e Santana  Tapparella  live at TARATATA' 1998 
 3. Eating Betty  Proto Dub  n/a 
 4. DJ Unagi  Proto  Proto 
 5. Tony Williams Lifetime  Proto-Cosmos  Tony Williams Lifetime - The Collection  
 6. gcw  Proto anarchism and me  Recordings 
 7. Proto, Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Nebula  This Bass, She's Not Electric! 
 8. Proto, Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Nebula  This Bass, She's Not Electric! 
 9. Jessel Harry  Proto-gods  We Shall Be Fragile 
 10. Tony Williams Lifetime  Proto-Cosmos  Tony Williams Lifetime - The Collection  
 11. Proto/Howard Ensemble Sans Fro  Proto: Reflections  This Bass, She's Not Electric! 
 12. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Quintet for Piano & Str  ESF 
 13. Ensemble Sans Fontiere  Proto/Chenault Ode to a Giant  Afro-American Fragments 
 14. Bunbun  Mega Man 3 - Proto Man's Theme   
 15. Bunbun  Mega Man 3 - Proto Man's Theme   
 16. Bunbun  Mega Man 3 - Proto Man's Theme   
 17. Proto, Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Death of Desdemona  This Bass, She's Not Electric! 
 18. Proto, Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: The Death of Desdemona  This Bass, She's Not Electric! 
 19. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: String Quartet No. 1  ESF 
 20. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: String Quartet No. 1  ESF 
 21. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Quintet for Piano & Str  ESF 
 22. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Four Rogues for D. Bass  Chamber Works 4 
 23. Proto, Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: The Death of Desdemona  This Bass, She's Not Electric! 
 24. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Quintet for Piano & Str  ESF 
 25. Ensemble Sans Frontiere  Proto: Trio for Violin, Viola  ESF 
 26. Ensemble Sans Fontiere  Proto: Afro-American Fragments  Afro-American Fragments 
 27. Ensemble Sans Fontiere  Proto: Afro-American Fragments  Afro-American Fragments 
 28. Ensemble Sans Fontiere  Proto: Afro-American Fragments  Afro-American Fragments 
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